dace.frontend.octave package
dace.frontend.octave.ast_arrayaccess module
dace.frontend.octave.ast_assign module
dace.frontend.octave.ast_expression module
- class dace.frontend.octave.ast_expression.AST_BinExpression(context, lhs, rhs, op)
- generate_code(sdfg, state)
- get_basetype()
- get_children()
- get_dims()
- matrix2d_matrix2d_mult(sdfg, state)
- matrix2d_matrix2d_plus_or_minus(sdfg, state, op)
- matrix2d_scalar(sdfg, state, op)
- provide_parents(parent)
- replace_child(old, new)
- scalar_scalar(sdfg, state, op)
- vec_mult_vect(sdfg, state, op)
- class dace.frontend.octave.ast_expression.AST_UnaryExpression(context, arg, op, order)
- get_children()
- replace_child(old, new)
- specialize()
Some nodes can be simplified after parsing the complete AST and before actually generating code, i.e., AST_FunCall nodes could be function calls or array accesses, and we don’t really know unless we know the context of the call.
This function traverses the AST and tries to specialize nodes after completing the AST. It should be called on the top-level AST_Statements node, and a node that wants to be specialized should return its new instance. If no specialzation should take place, it should return None.
dace.frontend.octave.ast_function module
- class dace.frontend.octave.ast_function.AST_Argument(context, name, default=None)
- get_children()
- class dace.frontend.octave.ast_function.AST_BuiltInFunCall(context, funname, args)
- generate_code(sdfg, state)
- get_basetype()
- get_children()
- get_dims()
- replace_child(old, new)
- specialize()
Some nodes can be simplified after parsing the complete AST and before actually generating code, i.e., AST_FunCall nodes could be function calls or array accesses, and we don’t really know unless we know the context of the call.
This function traverses the AST and tries to specialize nodes after completing the AST. It should be called on the top-level AST_Statements node, and a node that wants to be specialized should return its new instance. If no specialzation should take place, it should return None.
- class dace.frontend.octave.ast_function.AST_EndFunc(context)
- generate_code(sdfg, state)
- get_children()
- replace_child(old, new)
- class dace.frontend.octave.ast_function.AST_FunCall(context, funname, args)
- get_children()
- replace_child(old, new)
- specialize()
Some nodes can be simplified after parsing the complete AST and before actually generating code, i.e., AST_FunCall nodes could be function calls or array accesses, and we don’t really know unless we know the context of the call.
This function traverses the AST and tries to specialize nodes after completing the AST. It should be called on the top-level AST_Statements node, and a node that wants to be specialized should return its new instance. If no specialzation should take place, it should return None.
dace.frontend.octave.ast_loop module
dace.frontend.octave.ast_matrix module
- class dace.frontend.octave.ast_matrix.AST_Matrix(context, rows)
- generate_code(sdfg, state)
- get_basetype()
- get_children()
- get_dims()
- get_values_row_major()
- is_constant()
- provide_parents(parent)
- replace_child(old, new)
dace.frontend.octave.ast_node module
- class dace.frontend.octave.ast_node.AST_Node(context)
- defined_variables()
- find_data_node_in_sdfg_state(sdfg, state, nodename=None)
- generate_code(*args)
- get_children()
- get_datanode(sdfg, state)
- get_initializers(sdfg)
- get_name_in_sdfg(sdfg)
If this node has no name assigned yet, create a new one of the form
is an integer, such that this node does not yet exist in the given SDFG.- Note:
We assume that we create exactly one SDFG from each AST, otherwise we need to store the hash of the SDFG the name was created for (would be easy but seems useless at this point).
- get_new_tmpvar(sdfg)
- get_parent()
- print_as_tree()
- provide_parents(parent)
- replace_child(old, new)
- replace_parent(newparent)
- search_vardef_in_scope(name)
- shortdesc()
- specialize()
Some nodes can be simplified after parsing the complete AST and before actually generating code, i.e., AST_FunCall nodes could be function calls or array accesses, and we don’t really know unless we know the context of the call.
This function traverses the AST and tries to specialize nodes after completing the AST. It should be called on the top-level AST_Statements node, and a node that wants to be specialized should return its new instance. If no specialzation should take place, it should return None.
- class dace.frontend.octave.ast_node.AST_Statements(context, stmts)
- append_statement(stmt)
- generate_code(sdfg=None, state=None)
- get_children()
- provide_parents(parent=None)
- replace_child(old, new)
- specialize()
Some nodes can be simplified after parsing the complete AST and before actually generating code, i.e., AST_FunCall nodes could be function calls or array accesses, and we don’t really know unless we know the context of the call.
This function traverses the AST and tries to specialize nodes after completing the AST. It should be called on the top-level AST_Statements node, and a node that wants to be specialized should return its new instance. If no specialzation should take place, it should return None.
dace.frontend.octave.ast_nullstmt module
- class dace.frontend.octave.ast_nullstmt.AST_Comment(context, text)
- generate_code(sdfg, state)
- get_children()
- replace_child(old, new)
dace.frontend.octave.ast_range module
- class dace.frontend.octave.ast_range.AST_RangeExpression(context, lhs, rhs)
- generate_code(sdfg, state)
- get_basetype()
- get_children()
- get_dims()
- replace_child(old, new)
- specialize()
Some nodes can be simplified after parsing the complete AST and before actually generating code, i.e., AST_FunCall nodes could be function calls or array accesses, and we don’t really know unless we know the context of the call.
This function traverses the AST and tries to specialize nodes after completing the AST. It should be called on the top-level AST_Statements node, and a node that wants to be specialized should return its new instance. If no specialzation should take place, it should return None.
dace.frontend.octave.ast_values module
- class dace.frontend.octave.ast_values.AST_Constant(context, value)
- generate_code(sdfg, state)
- get_basetype()
- get_children()
- get_dims()
- get_value()
- is_constant()
- replace_child(old, new)
- class dace.frontend.octave.ast_values.AST_Ident(context, value)
- generate_code(sdfg, state)
- get_basetype()
Check in the scope if this is defined and return the basetype of the corresponding SDFG access node this currently maps to.
- get_children()
- get_dims()
- get_name()
- get_name_in_sdfg(sdfg)
If this node has no name assigned yet, create a new one of the form
is an integer, such that this node does not yet exist in the given SDFG.- Note:
We assume that we create exactly one SDFG from each AST, otherwise we need to store the hash of the SDFG the name was created for (would be easy but seems useless at this point).
- get_propagated_value()
- is_constant()
- replace_child(old, new)
- specialize()
Some nodes can be simplified after parsing the complete AST and before actually generating code, i.e., AST_FunCall nodes could be function calls or array accesses, and we don’t really know unless we know the context of the call.
This function traverses the AST and tries to specialize nodes after completing the AST. It should be called on the top-level AST_Statements node, and a node that wants to be specialized should return its new instance. If no specialzation should take place, it should return None.
dace.frontend.octave.lexer module
- dace.frontend.octave.lexer.main()
- dace.frontend.octave.lexer.new()
- dace.frontend.octave.lexer.raise_exception(error_type, message, my_lexer)
dace.frontend.octave.parse module
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_arg1(p)
arg1 : IDENT
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_arg2(p)
- arg1NUMBER
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_arg_list(p)
- arg_listident_init_opt
- arg_list COMMA ident_init_opt
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_args(p)
- argsarg1
- args arg1
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_break_stmt(p)
break_stmt : BREAK SEMI
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_case_list(p)
- case_list :
- CASE expr sep stmt_list_opt case_listCASE expr error stmt_list_opt case_listOTHERWISE stmt_list
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_cellarray(p)
- cellarrayLBRACE RBRACE
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_cellarray_2(p)
cellarray : LBRACE expr_list RBRACE
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_cellarrayref(p)
expr : expr LBRACE expr_list RBRACE | expr LBRACE RBRACE
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_command(p)
command : ident args SEMI
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_comment_stmt(p)
comment_stmt : COMMENT
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_concat_list1(p)
matrix_row : expr_list SEMI expr_list
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_concat_list2(p)
matrix_row : matrix_row SEMI expr_list
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_continue_stmt(p)
continue_stmt : CONTINUE SEMI
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_elseif_stmt(p)
- elseif_stmt :
- ELSE stmt_list_optELSEIF expr sep stmt_list_opt elseif_stmtELSEIF LPAREN expr RPAREN stmt_list_opt elseif_stmt
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_end(p)
top : top END_STMT
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_end_function(p)
top : top END_FUNCTION
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_error(p)
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_error_stmt(p)
error_stmt : ERROR_STMT SEMI
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_expr(p)
expr : ident | end | number | string | colon | NEG | matrix | cellarray | expr2 | expr1 | lambda_expr
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_expr1(p)
expr1 : MINUS expr %prec UMINUS | PLUS expr %prec UMINUS | NEG expr | HANDLE ident | PLUSPLUS ident | MINUSMINUS ident
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_expr2(p)
expr2 : expr AND expr | expr ANDAND expr | expr BACKSLASH expr | expr COLON expr | expr DIV expr | expr DOT expr | expr DOTDIV expr | expr DOTDIVEQ expr | expr DOTEXP expr | expr DOTMUL expr | expr DOTMULEQ expr | expr EQEQ expr | expr POW expr | expr EXP expr | expr EXPEQ expr | expr GE expr | expr GT expr | expr LE expr | expr LT expr | expr MINUS expr | expr MUL expr | expr NE expr | expr OR expr | expr OROR expr | expr PLUS expr | expr EQ expr | expr MULEQ expr | expr DIVEQ expr | expr MINUSEQ expr | expr PLUSEQ expr | expr OREQ expr | expr ANDEQ expr
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_expr_2(p)
expr : expr PLUSPLUS | expr MINUSMINUS
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_expr_colon(p)
colon : COLON
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_expr_end(p)
end : END_EXPR
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_expr_ident(p)
ident : IDENT
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_expr_list(p)
- expr_listexprs
- exprs COMMA
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_expr_number(p)
number : NUMBER
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_expr_stmt(p)
expr_stmt : expr_list SEMI
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_expr_string(p)
string : STRING
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_exprs(p)
- exprsexpr
- exprs COMMA expr
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_field_expr(p)
expr : expr FIELD
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_foo_stmt(p)
foo_stmt : expr OROR expr SEMI
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_for_stmt(p)
- for_stmtFOR ident EQ expr SEMI stmt_list END_STMT
- FOR LPAREN ident EQ expr RPAREN SEMI stmt_list END_STMTFOR matrix EQ expr SEMI stmt_list END_STMT
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_func_stmt(p)
func_stmt : FUNCTION ident lambda_args SEMI | FUNCTION ret EQ ident lambda_args SEMI
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_funcall_expr(p)
expr : expr LPAREN expr_list RPAREN | expr LPAREN RPAREN
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_global(p)
arg1 : GLOBAL
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_global_list(p)
global_list : ident | global_list ident
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_global_stmt(p)
- global_stmtGLOBAL global_list SEMI
- GLOBAL ident EQ expr SEMI
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_ident_init_opt(p)
- ident_init_optNEG
- identident EQ expr
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_if_stmt(p)
- if_stmtIF expr sep stmt_list_opt elseif_stmt END_STMT
- IF LPAREN expr RPAREN stmt_list_opt elseif_stmt END_STMT
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_lambda_args(p)
lambda_args : LPAREN RPAREN | LPAREN arg_list RPAREN
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_lambda_expr(p)
lambda_expr : HANDLE lambda_args expr
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_matrix(p)
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_matrix_2(p)
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_null_stmt(p)
- null_stmtSEMI
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_parens_expr(p)
expr : LPAREN expr RPAREN
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_persistent_stmt(p)
- persistent_stmtPERSISTENT global_list SEMI
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_ret(p)
- retident
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_return_stmt(p)
return_stmt : RETURN SEMI
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_semi_opt(p)
- semi_opt :
- semi_opt SEMIsemi_opt COMMA
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_separator(p)
- sepCOMMA
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_stmt(p)
- stmtcontinue_stmt
- comment_stmtfunc_stmtbreak_stmtexpr_stmtglobal_stmtpersistent_stmterror_stmtcommandfor_stmtif_stmtnull_stmtreturn_stmtswitch_stmttry_catchwhile_stmtfoo_stmtunwind
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_stmt_list(p)
- stmt_liststmt
- stmt_list stmt
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_stmt_list_opt(p)
- stmt_list_opt :
- stmt_list
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_switch_stmt(p)
switch_stmt : SWITCH expr semi_opt case_list END_STMT
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_top(p)
- top :
- top stmt
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_transpose_expr(p)
expr : expr TRANSPOSE
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_try_catch(p)
try_catch : TRY stmt_list CATCH stmt_list END_STMT
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_unwind(p)
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.p_while_stmt(p)
while_stmt : WHILE expr SEMI stmt_list END_STMT
- dace.frontend.octave.parse.parse(buf, debug=False)