Writing DaCe Programs in Python
The entry point to DaCe is dace.program
(aliases dace
, dace.function
). It is a function that wraps around
an existing Python function or method for parsing.
We support a large subset of the Python language, geared towards scientific computing and high-performance applications. This includes standard Python code (loops, functions, context managers, etc.), but also native support for NumPy arrays and (most) functions.
For more examples, see the Getting Started Jupyter Notebook tutorial.
You can use program()
either as a decorator or a wrapper:
import dace
def myfunction(a, b):
return a + b
def other_function(c, d):
return c * d + myfunction(c, d)
dfunc = dace.program(other_function)
# Calling ``myfunction`` or ``dfunc`` will trigger DaCe compilation
The Python frontend will then try to parse the entire function, including internal function calls, so you only need to annotate the top-level function. What it can parse is converted to our data-centric intermediate representation, and what it cannot parse will be encapsulated (best-effort) as callbacks to the Python interpreter. Callbacks are useful because they allow programs to use the full power of the Python ecosystem. For example, if you wish to read a file, compute something expensive and plot the result during computation, you can!
import dace
import seaborn as sns # For plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def expensive_computation(inputs: dace.float64[N, M, K]):
for i in range(iterations):
A warning is issued for any such unintended callback, just in case you wanted to compile that function too.
If you are using classes, methods need to use the @dace.method
decorator (due to how Python function binding works).
Fields and globals work directly in the Python frontend:
import numpy as np
class MyClass:
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def method(self, z):
return self.x * (self.y + z)
a = np.random.rand(20)
b = np.random.rand(20)
obj = MyClass(2, a)
c = obj.method(b)
assert np.allclose(c, 2 * (a + b))
Parallelization Hints
To ease performance programming and give users control over parallelism, we extend Python with additional iterators and
functions. Note that outside of a @dace.program
, these constructs will run sequentially with the Python interpreter
and can be directly debugged.
The first generator is the multidimensional map
construct (see the
IR for a definition), which enables parallel iteration over arbitrary ranges:
for i, j in dace.map[0:N, 0:M]:
a[i, j] = b[j, i]
Another form of iteration is the dynamic producer/consumer construct consume
for value in dace.consume(S, 4): # 4-threaded consumption of stream ``S``
Ahead-Of-Time vs. Just-In-Time Compilation
As DaCe is designed to work with large-scale applications, or programs that take a long time to build (for example, FPGA), we support two modes of operation: compiling Python code once (Ahead-Of-Time, or AOT), and compiling it every time it is called with a new set of argument types (Just-In-Time, or JIT).
In general, AOT compilation is always preferable over JIT: the types are clear, there are no unexpected slowdowns due to compilation, and the compiled library can be used outside of Python (for example, linked against a C or FORTRAN executable). Since Python is a dynamically-typed language, to support AOT compilation we need to provide type hints on the function’s arguments.
As opposed to other frameworks, we can use AOT compilation even if the sizes of the arrays are not known in advance. SDFGs are parametric, so you can use symbols to avoid recompilation for every size. DaCe has a powerful symbolic engine (powered by SymPy) that can perform checks and analysis natively. For example, it can raise issues if the wrong sizes are used in an operation:
def func(A: dace.float64[N, K], B: dace.float64[M, K]):
C = A @ B # NOT OK - will raise "DaceSyntaxError: Matrix dimension mismatch K != M"
C = A @ B.T # OK
The type hint objects we use are called Data Descriptors, and they provide all the information
necessary to allocate and track the memory of a data container. You can create scalars by using typeclasses, for example
, and use the shorthand typeclass[dimensions...]
, as
can be seen in the above example, for multidimensional arrays. As type hints are flexible, you can also construct them
in advance and use them:
from typing import Optional
Aliased = dace.data.Array(dace.float64, [20, N], may_alias=True)
# ...
def func(x: Aliased, y: Optional[Aliased] = None):
Only if all types are provided, programs can be compiled and/or transformed as an SDFG. Otherwise, example (or the actual) inputs have to be provided in order for parsing to work:
import dace
import numpy as np
def annotated(a: dace.float64[20, 10], b: dace.int32):
sdfg = annotated.to_sdfg() # OK
def partially_annotated(a, b: dace.int32):
sdfg = partially_annotated.to_sdfg() # NOT OK - SyntaxError exception "missing argument: 'a'"
sample_input = np.random.rand(20, 10)
sdfg = partially_annotated.to_sdfg(sample_input) # OK
Annotating Storage and Schedule
It is also possible to annotate the storage location of an array or where a map will run directly using the @
from dace.dtypes import StorageType, ScheduleType
import cupy
def runs_on_gpu(a: dace.float64[20] @ StorageType.GPU_Global,
b: dace.float64[20] @ StorageType.GPU_Global):
# This map will become a GPU kernel
for i in dace.map[0:20] @ ScheduleType.GPU_Device:
b[i] = a[i] + 1.0
gpu_a = cupy.random.rand(20)
gpu_b = cupy.random.rand(20)
runs_on_gpu(gpu_a, gpu_b)
Symbols are useful for many parametric analyses, for example, when creating size-independent programs as mentioned above. Internally, DaCe uses symbolic expressions for sizes, ranges, data movement subsets, and more.
Defining a symbol
in the Python frontend is straightforward:
N = dace.symbol('N')
Symbols can then be used anywhere in DaCe programs:
def func(x: dace.float32[N + 1, 2 * N]):
x[:] = N
return x[:N, N:] # Return type will be inferred as dace.float32[N, N]
Symbol values can only be modified when a program is called, or upon an SDFG state transition. In the Python frontend,
the symbolic sizes of an array do not have to be specified — the symbolic engine solves a system of equations to determine
that on its own. Calling func
above with a 13x24 array would infer N = 12
automatically. Symbols that do not
have hints have to be given explicitly, as keyword arguments. For example:
T = dace.symbol('T')
def func2(x: dace.float64[20]):
for i in range(T):
x += i
# Even though T is not an explicit parameter, it is implicitly required by DaCe
func2(x, T=2)
The typeclasses that can be used as element types for data containers are versatile, and can be used for performance and compatibility with other codes:
Base types such as
for a full list)Native
types (vectors of vectors also supported)
dace.vector(dtype, vector_length)
dace.struct(x=dace.float64, y=dace.float64, mass=dace.float16)
Callbacks to native code via
dace.callback(return_type, *arg_types)
Interoperability with libraries via the
Closure (arguments, fields, and globals)
Python functions can also use variables defined out of their scope. Those (among other things) define the closure of the function.
DaCe natively supports closures, and works differently depending on the type of external variable used. Once the function
is compiled, scalars and constants are assumed to be compile-time constants, whereas arrays are given to the function
as implicit arguments. This emulates the natural behavior of Python functions and their interaction with globals (which
is read-only unless the global
or nonlocal
keywords are used).
The following example demonstrates how it all works together:
import dace
import numpy as np
a = np.zeros((20,))
b = 5
def closures():
a += b
closures() # Neither ``a`` nor ``b`` are given as arguments
print(a) # Prints [5., 5., ..., 5.]
b = 10
print(a) # Prints [15., 15., ..., 15.]
# Check SDFG for data containers
sdfg = closures.to_sdfg()
print(sdfg.arrays) # Prints {'__g_a': Array (dtype=double, shape=(20,))}
a[:] = 1
b = 100
# Prints [11., 11., ..., 11.], because ``a`` is an array and
# ``b`` is treated as a compile-time constant
Compile-Time Arguments
Certain arguments can be specified as compile-time constants using the dace.compiletime
type annotation.
This is useful for two reasons:
Inlining a constant value into a function for compiler optimization
Telling the DaCe framework to not try to create a data container for an input argument, but to treat it as part of the closure of the function
In Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, compile-time argument annotation does not matter, as all types and values are resolved during compilation. However, in AOT mode it is necessary.
An example use of compiletime
for the second aforementioned reason is carrying over a state object,
a pattern that is common in scientific computing applications:
class PhysicsState:
""" A class that keeps many fields relating to some system state. """
dt: float
positions: dace.float64[N]
# ...
def simulate(state: dace.compiletime):
# State can be passed along to nested functions
substep(state, other_arguments, ...)
# Its fields are used as data containers
state.positions += forces(state.dt)
A commonly recurring example of compile-time arguments is in object-oriented programming. self
in DaCe methods is
always considered a compile-time argument, which allows the fields of the object to be given and used as part of the
Explicit Dataflow Mode
This mode provides a low-level syntax for fine-grained control of the generated SDFG, use sparingly as it can disrupt optimizations (e.g., if the tasklets are too large).
The DaCe Python frontend allows users to write SDFG tasklets and memlets directly in Python code. For more example uses, see the Explicit Dataflow tutorial.
Memlets are a unit of data movement. We can explicitly define them in Python code using a shift operator between a local variable (left-hand side) and an array, or between two arbitrary arrays. The full syntax is as follows (gray elements are optional):
To create a Tasklet, use the tasklet
Python context manager:
with dace.tasklet:
# Input memlets
a << A(1)[i, :] # A is accessed once, but at an arbitrary column
# Tasklet contents
b = a[j]
# Output memlets
b >> B[i]
Tasklets can contain arbitrary (albeit limited) Python code, and must not access any memory outside the set of memlets given to it.
The order of memlets in a tasklet does not matter, and they can be placed before or after the contents. Tasklets accept an argument specifying their language, which means you can specify, e.g., C++ code directly, as follows:
with dace.tasklet(dace.Language.CPP):
inp_arr << A # Will create a pointer
inp_scal << B[i, j] # Will create a scalar
out >> C[i, :] # Will create an offsetted pointer
# Tasklet contents are written as a string
// Symbols can be used normally within the tasklet
out[j] = *((float *)inp_arr) * inp_scal;
The below example combines the two above features to write the classical matrix multiplication, using a map, a tasklet, and a write-conflicted memlet:
def matmul_wcr(A: dace.float32[M, K], B: dace.float32[K, N], C: dace.float32[M, N]):
# Iterate in a single map over all ranges
for i, j, k in dace.map[0:M, 0:N, 0:K]:
# Define a (Python) tasklet
with dace.tasklet:
a << A[i, k]
b << B[k, j]
c = a * b # We store the multiplication in c, which triggers an
# addition due to conflict resolution
# One output, at index "i,j", write-conflict resolution is summation
c >> C(1, lambda a, b: a + b)[i, j]
Calling SDFGs Directly
If you want to call SDFGs from a @dace.program
you can do so directly. This is useful when you have a custom implementation
or when you want to use another frontend (for example, in a domain-specific language). Example:
import dace
mysdfg = dace.SDFG(...)
# ...
def function(a, b, c):
mysdfg(A=a, B=c)
Note that keyword arguments do not have to be used if the arg_names
property of the SDFG is
set correctly.