dace.frontend package



dace.frontend.operations module

class dace.frontend.operations.CompiledSDFGProfiler(repetitions=0, warmup=0, tqdm_leave=True, print_results=True)

Bases: object

A context manager that prints the time it takes to execute the generated SDFG code (excluding init and shutdown).

times: List[Tuple[SDFG, List[float]]]

The list of SDFGs and times for each SDFG called within the context.

dace.frontend.operations.detect_reduction_type(wcr_str, openmp=False)

Inspects a lambda function and tries to determine if it’s one of the built-in reductions that frameworks such as MPI can provide.

  • wcr_str – A Python string representation of the lambda function.

  • openmp – Detect additional OpenMP reduction types.


dtypes.ReductionType if detected, dtypes.ReductionType.Custom if not detected, or None if no reduction is found.

dace.frontend.operations.elementwise(func, in_array, out_array=None)

Applies a function to each element of the array

  • in_array – array to apply to.

  • out_array – output array to write the result to. If None, a new array will be returned

  • func – lambda function to apply to each element.


new array with the lambda applied to each element


Inspects a custom lambda function and tries to determine whether it is symbolically associative (disregarding data type).


wcr_str – A string in Python representing a lambda function.


True if associative, False if not, None if cannot be determined.


Inspects a custom lambda function and tries to determine whether it is symbolically commutative (disregarding data type).


wcr_str – A string in Python representing a lambda function.


True if commutative, False if not, None if cannot be determined.

dace.frontend.operations.reduce(op, in_array, out_array=None, axis=None, identity=None)

Reduces an array according to a binary operation op, starting with initial value identity, over the given axis (or axes if axis is a list), to out_array.

Requires out_array with len(axis) dimensions less than in_array, or a scalar if axis is None.

  • op – binary operation to use for reduction.

  • in_array – array to reduce.

  • out_array – output array to write the result to. If None, a new array will be returned.

  • axis – the axis or axes to reduce over. If None, all axes will be reduced.

  • identity – intial value for the reduction. If None, uses value stored in output.


None if out_array is given, or the newly created out_array if out_array is None.

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