dace.frontend.python package


dace.frontend.python.astnodes module

dace.frontend.python.astutils module

Various AST parsing utilities for DaCe.

class dace.frontend.python.astutils.ASTFindReplace(repldict: Dict[str, str], trigger_names: Set[str] = None)

Bases: ast.NodeTransformer

visit_Name(node: _ast.Name)
visit_keyword(node: _ast.keyword)
class dace.frontend.python.astutils.ASTHelperMixin

Bases: object

A mixin that adds useful helper functions for AST node transformers and visitors

generic_visit_field(node: _ast.AST, field: str) → _ast.AST

Modification of ast.NodeTransformer.generic_visit that only visits one field. :param node: AST to visit. :param field: Field to visit.

generic_visit_filtered(node: _ast.AST, filter: Optional[Set[str]] = None)

Modification of ast.NodeTransformer.generic_visit that visits all fields without the set of filtered fields. :param node: AST to visit. :param filter: Set of strings of fields to skip.

class dace.frontend.python.astutils.AnnotateTopLevel

Bases: dace.frontend.python.astutils.ExtNodeTransformer

class dace.frontend.python.astutils.ConstantExtractor(globals: Dict[str, Any])

Bases: ast.NodeTransformer

visit_Name(node: _ast.Name)
visit_Num(node: _ast.Num)
class dace.frontend.python.astutils.ExtNodeTransformer

Bases: ast.NodeTransformer

A NodeTransformer subclass that walks the abstract syntax tree and allows modification of nodes. As opposed to NodeTransformer, this class is capable of traversing over top-level expressions in bodies in order to discern DaCe statements from others.


Called if no explicit visitor function exists for a node.

class dace.frontend.python.astutils.ExtNodeVisitor

Bases: ast.NodeVisitor

A NodeVisitor subclass that walks the abstract syntax tree. As opposed to NodeVisitor, this class is capable of traversing over top-level expressions in bodies in order to discern DaCe statements from others.


Called if no explicit visitor function exists for a node.

class dace.frontend.python.astutils.ExtUnparser(tree, file=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>)

Bases: astunparse.unparser.Unparser

exception dace.frontend.python.astutils.NameFound

Bases: Exception

class dace.frontend.python.astutils.RemoveSubscripts(keywords: Set[str])

Bases: ast.NodeTransformer

visit_Subscript(node: _ast.Subscript)
class dace.frontend.python.astutils.TaskletFreeSymbolVisitor(defined_syms)

Bases: ast.NodeVisitor

Simple Python AST visitor to find free symbols in a code, not including attributes and function calls.

visit_Call(node: _ast.Call)
dace.frontend.python.astutils.astrange_to_symrange(astrange, arrays, arrname=None)

Converts an AST range (array, [(start, end, skip)]) to a symbolic math range, using the obtained array sizes and resolved symbols.

dace.frontend.python.astutils.copy_tree(node: _ast.AST) → _ast.AST

Copies an entire AST without copying the non-AST parts (e.g., constant values). A form of reduced deepcopy. :param node: The tree to copy. :return: The copied tree.

dace.frontend.python.astutils.create_constant(value: Any, node: Optional[_ast.AST] = None) → _ast.AST

Cross-Python-AST-version helper function that creates an AST constant node from a given value. :param value: The value to create a constant from. :param node: An optional node to copy the source location information from. :return: An AST node (ast.Constant after Python 3.8) that represents this value.

dace.frontend.python.astutils.escape_string(value: Union[bytes, str])

Converts special Python characters in strings back to their parsable version (e.g., newline to `` ``)

dace.frontend.python.astutils.evalnode(node: _ast.AST, gvars: Dict[str, Any]) → Any

Tries to evaluate an AST node given only global variables. :param node: The AST node/subtree to evaluate. :param gvars: A dictionary mapping names to variables. :return: The result of evaluation, or raises SyntaxError on any

failure to evaluate.

Obtain the source code of a Python function and create an AST. :param f: Python function. :return: A 4-tuple of (AST, function filename, function line-number,

source code as string).
dace.frontend.python.astutils.is_constant(node: _ast.AST) → bool

Returns True iff the AST node is a constant value


Negates an AST expression by adding a Not AST node in front of it.


Obtains names from different types of AST nodes.

dace.frontend.python.astutils.slice_to_subscript(arrname, range)

Converts a name and subset to a Python AST Subscript object.

dace.frontend.python.astutils.subscript_to_ast_slice(node, without_array=False)

Converts an AST subscript to slice on the form (<name>, [<3-tuples of AST nodes>]). If an ast.Name is passed, returns (name, None), implying the full range. :param node: The AST node to convert. :param without_array: If True, returns only the slice. Otherwise,

returns a 2-tuple of (array, range).

Converts an AST subscript to a slice in a recursive manner into nested subscripts. @see: subscript_to_ast_slice

dace.frontend.python.astutils.subscript_to_slice(node, arrays, without_array=False)

Converts an AST subscript to slice on the form (<name>, [<3-tuples of indices>]). If an ast.Name is passed, return (name, None), implying the full range.


Unparses an AST node to a Python string, chomping trailing newline.

dace.frontend.python.decorators module

dace.frontend.python.ndloop module

A single generator that creates an N-dimensional for loop in Python.

dace.frontend.python.ndloop.NDLoop(ndslice, internal_function, *args, **kwargs)

Wrapped generator that calls an internal function in an N-dimensional for-loop in Python. :param ndslice: Slice or list of slices (slice objects) to loop over. :param internal_function: Function to call in loop. :param *args: Arguments to internal_function. :param **kwargs: Keyword arguments to internal_function. :return: N-dimensional loop index generator.

dace.frontend.python.ndloop.ndrange(slice_list: Union[Tuple[slice], slice])

Generator that creates an N-dimensional for loop in Python. :param slice_list: Slice or list of slices (as tuples or `slice`s)

to loop over.
Returns:N-dimensional loop index generator.

Helper function that turns a slice into a range (for iteration).

dace.frontend.python.newast module

class dace.frontend.python.newast.AddTransientMethods

Bases: object

A management singleton for methods that add transient data to SDFGs.

static get(datatype)

Returns a method.

class dace.frontend.python.newast.ProgramVisitor(name: str, filename: str, line_offset: int, col_offset: int, global_vars: Dict[str, Any], constants: Dict[str, Any], scope_arrays: Dict[str, dace.data.Data], scope_vars: Dict[str, str], map_symbols: Set[Union[str, dace.symbolic.symbol]] = None, annotated_types: Dict[str, dace.data.Data] = None, closure: dace.frontend.python.common.SDFGClosure = None, nested: bool = False, tmp_idx: int = 0, simplify: Optional[bool] = None)

Bases: dace.frontend.python.astutils.ExtNodeVisitor

A visitor that traverses a data-centric Python program AST and constructs an SDFG.

create_callback(node: _ast.Call, create_graph=True)
classmethod increment_progress(number=1)

Adds a number of parsed SDFGs to the progress bar (whether visible or not).

make_slice(arrname: str, rng: dace.subsets.Range)
parse_program(program: _ast.FunctionDef, is_tasklet: bool = False)

Parses a DaCe program or tasklet

program {ast.FunctionDef} – DaCe program or tasklet
Keyword Arguments:
is_tasklet {bool} – True, if program is tasklet (default: {False})
Tuple[SDFG, Dict, Dict] – Parsed SDFG, its inputs and outputs
progress_bar = None
classmethod progress_count() → int

Returns the number of parsed SDFGs so far within this run.

start_time = 0
visit(node: _ast.AST)

Visit a node.

visit_AnnAssign(node: _ast.AnnAssign)
visit_Assign(node: _ast.Assign)
visit_Attribute(node: _ast.Attribute)
visit_AugAssign(node: _ast.AugAssign)
visit_BinOp(node: _ast.BinOp)
visit_BoolOp(node: _ast.BoolOp)
visit_Break(node: _ast.Break)
visit_Bytes(node: _ast.Bytes)
visit_Call(node: _ast.Call, create_callbacks=False)
visit_Compare(node: _ast.Compare)
visit_Constant(node: _ast.Constant)
visit_Continue(node: _ast.Continue)
visit_Dict(node: _ast.Dict)
visit_ExtSlice(node: _ast.ExtSlice) → Any
visit_For(node: _ast.For)
visit_FunctionDef(node: _ast.FunctionDef)
visit_If(node: _ast.If)
visit_Index(node: _ast.Index) → Any
visit_Lambda(node: _ast.Lambda)
visit_List(node: _ast.List)
visit_Name(node: _ast.Name)
visit_NameConstant(node: _ast.NameConstant)
visit_Num(node: _ast.Num)
visit_Return(node: _ast.Return)
visit_Set(node: _ast.Set)
visit_Str(node: _ast.Str)
visit_Subscript(node: _ast.Subscript, inference: bool = False)
visit_TopLevelExpr(node: _ast.Expr)
visit_Tuple(node: _ast.Tuple)
visit_UnaryOp(node: _ast.UnaryOp)
visit_While(node: _ast.While)
visit_With(node, is_async=False)
exception dace.frontend.python.newast.SkipCall

Bases: Exception

Exception used to skip calls to functions that cannot be parsed.

class dace.frontend.python.newast.TaskletTransformer(visitor, defined, sdfg: dace.sdfg.sdfg.SDFG, state: dace.sdfg.state.SDFGState, filename: str, lang=None, location: dict = {}, nested: bool = False, scope_arrays: Dict[str, dace.data.Data] = {}, scope_vars: Dict[str, str] = {}, variables: Dict[str, str] = {}, accesses: Dict[Tuple[str, dace.subsets.Subset, str], str] = {}, symbols: Dict[str, dace.symbol] = {})

Bases: dace.frontend.python.astutils.ExtNodeTransformer

A visitor that traverses a data-centric tasklet, removes memlet annotations and returns input and output memlets.

parse_tasklet(tasklet_ast: Union[_ast.FunctionDef, _ast.With, _ast.For], name: Optional[str] = None)

Parses the AST of a tasklet and returns the tasklet node, as well as input and output memlets. :param tasklet_ast: The Tasklet’s Python AST to parse. :param name: Optional name to use as prefix for tasklet. :return: 3-tuple of (Tasklet node, input memlets, output memlets). @rtype: Tuple[Tasklet, Dict[str, Memlet], Dict[str, Memlet]]

visit_Call(node: _ast.Call) → Any
visit_Name(node: _ast.Name)
visit_TopLevelStr(node: _ast.Str)
dace.frontend.python.newast.add_indirection_subgraph(sdfg: dace.sdfg.sdfg.SDFG, graph: dace.sdfg.state.SDFGState, src: dace.sdfg.nodes.Node, dst: dace.sdfg.nodes.Node, memlet: dace.memlet.Memlet, local_name: str, pvisitor: dace.frontend.python.newast.ProgramVisitor, output: bool = False, with_wcr: bool = False)

Replaces the specified edge in the specified graph with a subgraph that implements indirection without nested memlet subsets.

dace.frontend.python.newast.parse_dace_program(name: str, preprocessed_ast: _ast.AST, argtypes: Dict[str, dace.data.Data], constants: Dict[str, Any], closure: dace.frontend.python.common.SDFGClosure, simplify: Optional[bool] = None, save: bool = True, progress: Optional[bool] = None) → dace.sdfg.sdfg.SDFG

Parses a @dace.program function into an SDFG. :param src_ast: The AST of the Python program to parse. :param visitor: A ProgramVisitor object returned from

  • closure – An object that contains the @dace.program closure.
  • simplify – If True, simplification pass will be performed.
  • save – If True, saves source mapping data for this SDFG.
  • progress – If True, prints a progress bar of the parsing process. If None (default), prints after 5 seconds of parsing. If False, never prints progress.

A 2-tuple of SDFG and its reduced (used) closure.

dace.frontend.python.newast.specifies_datatype(func: Callable[[Any, dace.data.Data, Any], Tuple[str, dace.data.Data]], datatype=None)
dace.frontend.python.newast.until(val, substr)

Helper function that returns the substring of a string until a certain pattern.

dace.frontend.python.parser module

DaCe Python parsing functionality and entry point to Python frontend.

class dace.frontend.python.parser.DaceProgram(f, args, kwargs, auto_optimize, device, constant_functions=False, method=False)

Bases: dace.frontend.python.common.SDFGConvertible

A data-centric program object, obtained by decorating a function with @dace.program.

closure_resolver(constant_args, given_args, parent_closure=None)

Returns an SDFGClosure object representing the closure of the object to be converted to an SDFG. :param constant_args: Arguments whose values are already resolved to

compile-time values.
  • given_args – Arguments that were given at call-time (used for determining which arguments with defaults were provided).
  • parent_closure – The parent SDFGClosure object (used for, e.g., recursion detection).

New SDFG closure object representing the convertible object.

compile(*args, simplify=None, save=False, **kwargs)

Convenience function that parses and compiles a DaCe program.

get_program_hash(*args, **kwargs) → dace.frontend.python.cached_program.ProgramCacheKey

Returns the program’s hash (cache key) given the arguments and the program’s closure. :param args: Arguments that the SDFG will be called with. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments that the SDFG will be called with. :return: A hashable program cache key object.

load_precompiled_sdfg(path: str, *args, **kwargs) → None

Loads an external compiled SDFG object that will be invoked when the function is called. :param path: Path to SDFG build folder (e.g., “.dacecache/program”).

Path has to include program.sdfg and the binary shared object under the build folder.
  • args – Optional compile-time arguments.
  • kwargs – Optional compile-time keyword arguments.
load_sdfg(path: str, *args, **kwargs)

Loads an external SDFG that will be used when the function is called. :param path: Path to SDFG file. :param args: Optional compile-time arguments. :param kwargs: Optional compile-time keyword arguments.


Returns a unique name for this program.

to_sdfg(*args, simplify=None, save=False, validate=False, use_cache=False, **kwargs) → dace.sdfg.sdfg.SDFG

Creates an SDFG from the DaCe function. If no type hints are provided on the function, example arrays/scalars (i.e., with the same shape and type) must be given to this method in order to construct a valid SDFG.

  • args – JIT (i.e., without type hints) argument examples.
  • kwargs – JIT (i.e., without type hints) keyword argument examples.
  • simplify – Whether to simplify the SDFG after parsing (default is None, which uses the .dace.conf setting)
  • save – Whether to save the SDFG to a file after parsing
  • validate – Whether to validate the parsed SDFG
  • use_cache – If True, tries to find an already parsed SDFG in the local cache. Otherwise, re-parses SDFG.

An SDFG object that can be transformed, saved, or called.

validate = None

Whether to validate on code generation

dace.frontend.python.parser.infer_symbols_from_datadescriptor(sdfg: dace.sdfg.sdfg.SDFG, args: Dict[str, Any], exclude: Optional[Set[str]] = None) → Dict[str, Any]

Infers the values of SDFG symbols (not given as arguments) from the shapes and strides of input arguments (e.g., arrays). :param sdfg: The SDFG that is being called. :param args: A dictionary mapping from current argument names to their

values. This may also include symbols.
Parameters:exclude – An optional set of symbols to ignore on inference.
Returns:A dictionary mapping from symbol names that are not in args to their inferred values.
Raises:ValueError – If symbol values are ambiguous.

dace.frontend.python.simulator module

dace.frontend.python.wrappers module

Types and wrappers used in DaCe’s Python frontend.

dace.frontend.python.wrappers.define_local(dimensions, dtype=float)

Defines a transient array in a DaCe program.


Defines a transient scalar (array of size 1) in a DaCe program.

dace.frontend.python.wrappers.define_stream(dtype=float, buffer_size=1)

Defines a local stream in a DaCe program.

dace.frontend.python.wrappers.define_streamarray(dimensions, dtype=float, buffer_size=1)

Defines a local stream array in a DaCe program.

dace.frontend.python.wrappers.ndarray(shape, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, *args, **kwargs)

Returns a numpy ndarray where all symbols have been evaluated to numbers and types are converted to numpy types.


Convenience function that defines a scalar (array of size 1).

class dace.frontend.python.wrappers.stream_array(dtype, shape)

Bases: typing.Generic

Stream array object in Python.


Module contents