Available Passes

Scalar-to-Symbol Promotion

Scalar to symbol promotion functionality.

class dace.transformation.passes.scalar_to_symbol.AttributedCallDetector

Bases: ast.NodeVisitor

Detects calls to functions that are attributes.

visit_Call(node: _ast.Call) → Any
class dace.transformation.passes.scalar_to_symbol.RemoveConstantAttributes

Bases: ast.NodeTransformer

Removes calls to functions that are attributes, if they point to a constant value for a cast.

visit_Call(node: _ast.Call) → Any
class dace.transformation.passes.scalar_to_symbol.ScalarToSymbolPromotion(ignore: Union[Set[str], NoneType] = None, transients_only: bool = True, integers_only: bool = True)

Bases: dace.transformation.pass_pipeline.Pass

apply_pass(sdfg: dace.sdfg.sdfg.SDFG, _: Dict[Any, Any]) → Set[str]

Promotes all matching transient scalars to SDFG symbols, changing all tasklets to inter-state assignments. This enables the transformed symbols to be used within states as part of memlets, and allows further transformations (such as loop detection) to use the information for optimization. :param sdfg: The SDFG to run the pass on. :param ignore: An optional set of strings of scalars to ignore. :param transients_only: If False, also considers global data descriptors (e.g., arguments). :param integers_only: If False, also considers non-integral descriptors for promotion. :return: Set of promoted scalars.

ignore = None
integers_only = True
modifies() → dace.transformation.pass_pipeline.Modifies

Which elements of the SDFG (e.g., memlets, state structure) are modified by this pass, if run successfully. :return: A Modifies set of flags of modified elements.

transients_only = True
class dace.transformation.passes.scalar_to_symbol.TaskletIndirectionPromoter(in_edges: Dict[str, dace.memlet.Memlet], out_edges: Dict[str, dace.memlet.Memlet], sdfg: dace.sdfg.sdfg.SDFG, defined_syms: Set[str])

Bases: ast.NodeTransformer

Promotes indirect memory access in Tasklets to symbolic memlets. After visiting an AST, self.{in,out}_mapping will be filled with mappings from unique new connector names to sets of individual memlets.

visit_Subscript(node: _ast.Subscript) → Any
class dace.transformation.passes.scalar_to_symbol.TaskletPromoter(connector: str, symbol: str)

Bases: ast.NodeTransformer

Promotes scalars to symbols in Tasklets. If connector name is used in tasklet as subscript, modifies to symbol name. If connector is used as a standard name, modify tasklet code to use symbol.

visit_Name(node: _ast.Name) → Any
visit_Subscript(node: _ast.Subscript) → Any
class dace.transformation.passes.scalar_to_symbol.TaskletPromoterDict(conn_to_sym: Dict[str, str])

Bases: ast.NodeTransformer

Promotes scalars to symbols in Tasklets. If connector name is used in tasklet as subscript, modifies to symbol name. If connector is used as a standard name, modify tasklet code to use symbol.

visit_Name(node: _ast.Name) → Any
visit_Subscript(node: _ast.Subscript) → Any
dace.transformation.passes.scalar_to_symbol.find_promotable_scalars(sdfg: dace.sdfg.sdfg.SDFG, transients_only: bool = True, integers_only: bool = True) → Set[str]

Finds scalars that can be promoted to symbols in the given SDFG. Conditions for matching a scalar for symbol-promotion are as follows:

  • Size of data must be 1, it must not be a stream and must be transient.
  • Only inputs to candidate scalars must be either arrays or tasklets.
  • All tasklets that lead to it must have one statement, one output, and may have zero or more array inputs and not be in a scope.
  • Scalar must not be accessed with a write-conflict resolution.
  • Scalar must not be written to more than once in a state.
  • If scalar is not integral (i.e., int type), it must also appear in an inter-state condition to be promotable.

These conditions must apply on all occurences of the scalar in order for it to be promotable.

  • sdfg – The SDFG to query.
  • transients_only – If False, also considers global data descriptors (e.g., arguments).
  • integers_only – If False, also considers non-integral descriptors for promotion.

A set of promotable scalar names.

dace.transformation.passes.scalar_to_symbol.promote_scalars_to_symbols(sdfg: dace.sdfg.sdfg.SDFG, ignore: Optional[Set[str]] = None, transients_only: bool = True, integers_only: bool = True) → Set[str]

DEPRECATED. Use pass directly instead. Promotes all matching transient scalars to SDFG symbols, changing all tasklets to inter-state assignments. This enables the transformed symbols to be used within states as part of memlets, and allows further transformations (such as loop detection) to use the information for optimization.

  • sdfg – The SDFG to run the pass on.
  • ignore – An optional set of strings of scalars to ignore.
  • transients_only – If False, also considers global data descriptors (e.g., arguments).
  • integers_only – If False, also considers non-integral descriptors for promotion.

Set of promoted scalars.


Operates in-place.

dace.transformation.passes.scalar_to_symbol.remove_scalar_reads(sdfg: dace.sdfg.sdfg.SDFG, array_names: Dict[str, str])

Removes all instances of a promoted symbol’s read accesses in an SDFG. This removes each read-only access node as well as all of its descendant edges (in memlet trees) and connectors. Descends recursively to nested SDFGs and modifies tasklets (Python and C++). :param sdfg: The SDFG to operate on. :param array_names: Mapping between scalar names to replace and their

replacement symbol name.
Note:Operates in-place on the SDFG.
dace.transformation.passes.scalar_to_symbol.remove_symbol_indirection(sdfg: dace.sdfg.sdfg.SDFG)

Converts indirect memory accesses that involve only symbols into explicit memlets.

Parameters:sdfg – The SDFG to run the pass on.
Note:Operates in-place.
dace.transformation.passes.scalar_to_symbol.translate_cpp_tasklet_to_python(code: str)

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