dace.codegen.instrumentation package


dace.codegen.instrumentation.gpu_events module

class dace.codegen.instrumentation.gpu_events.GPUEventProvider

Bases: dace.codegen.instrumentation.provider.InstrumentationProvider

Timing instrumentation that reports GPU/copy time using CUDA/HIP events.

on_node_begin(sdfg, state, node, outer_stream, inner_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the beginning of generating a node. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param node: The generated node. :param outer_stream: Code generator for the internal code before

the scope is opened.
  • inner_stream – Code generator for the internal code within the scope (at the beginning).
  • global_stream – Code generator for global (external) code.
on_node_end(sdfg, state, node, outer_stream, inner_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the end of generating a node. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param node: The generated node. :param outer_stream: Code generator for the internal code after

the scope is closed.
  • inner_stream – Code generator for the internal code within the scope (at the end).
  • global_stream – Code generator for global (external) code.
on_scope_entry(sdfg, state, node, outer_stream, inner_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the beginning of a scope (on generating an EntryNode). :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param node: The EntryNode object from which code is generated. :param outer_stream: Code generator for the internal code before

the scope is opened.
  • inner_stream – Code generator for the internal code within the scope (at the beginning).
  • global_stream – Code generator for global (external) code.
on_scope_exit(sdfg, state, node, outer_stream, inner_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the end of a scope (on generating an ExitNode). :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param node: The ExitNode object from which code is generated. :param outer_stream: Code generator for the internal code after

the scope is closed.
  • inner_stream – Code generator for the internal code within the scope (at the end).
  • global_stream – Code generator for global (external) code.
on_sdfg_begin(sdfg, local_stream, global_stream, codegen)

Event called at the beginning of SDFG code generation. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param local_stream: Code generator for the in-function code. :param global_stream: Code generator for global (external) code. :param codegen: An instance of the code generator.

on_state_begin(sdfg, state, local_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the beginning of SDFG state code generation. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param local_stream: Code generator for the in-function code. :param global_stream: Code generator for global (external) code.

on_state_end(sdfg, state, local_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the end of SDFG state code generation. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param local_stream: Code generator for the in-function code. :param global_stream: Code generator for global (external) code.

dace.codegen.instrumentation.papi module

Implements the PAPI counter performance instrumentation provider. Used for collecting CPU performance counters.

class dace.codegen.instrumentation.papi.PAPIInstrumentation

Bases: dace.codegen.instrumentation.provider.InstrumentationProvider

Instrumentation provider that reports CPU performance counters using the PAPI library.

static has_surrounding_perfcounters(node, dfg: dace.sdfg.state.StateGraphView)

Returns true if there is a possibility that this node is part of a section that is profiled.

on_consume_entry(sdfg, state, node, outer_stream, inner_stream)
on_copy_begin(sdfg, state, src_node, dst_node, edge, local_stream, global_stream, copy_shape, src_strides, dst_strides)

Event called at the beginning of generating a copy operation. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param src_node: The source node of the copy. :param dst_node: The destination node of the copy. :param edge: An edge in the memlet path of the copy. :param local_stream: Code generator for the internal code. :param global_stream: Code generator for global (external) code. :param copy_shape: Tuple representing the shape of the copy. :param src_strides: Element-skipping strides for each dimension of the copied source. :param dst_strides: Element-skipping strides for each dimension of the copied destination.

on_copy_end(sdfg, state, src_node, dst_node, edge, local_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the end of generating a copy operation. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param src_node: The source node of the copy. :param dst_node: The destination node of the copy. :param edge: An edge in the memlet path of the copy. :param local_stream: Code generator for the internal code. :param global_stream: Code generator for global (external) code.

on_map_entry(sdfg, state, node, outer_stream, inner_stream)
on_node_begin(sdfg, state, node, outer_stream, inner_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the beginning of generating a node. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param node: The generated node. :param outer_stream: Code generator for the internal code before

the scope is opened.
  • inner_stream – Code generator for the internal code within the scope (at the beginning).
  • global_stream – Code generator for global (external) code.
on_node_end(sdfg, state, node, outer_stream, inner_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the end of generating a node. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param node: The generated node. :param outer_stream: Code generator for the internal code after

the scope is closed.
  • inner_stream – Code generator for the internal code within the scope (at the end).
  • global_stream – Code generator for global (external) code.
on_scope_entry(sdfg, state, node, outer_stream, inner_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the beginning of a scope (on generating an EntryNode). :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param node: The EntryNode object from which code is generated. :param outer_stream: Code generator for the internal code before

the scope is opened.
  • inner_stream – Code generator for the internal code within the scope (at the beginning).
  • global_stream – Code generator for global (external) code.
on_scope_exit(sdfg, state, node, outer_stream, inner_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the end of a scope (on generating an ExitNode). :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param node: The ExitNode object from which code is generated. :param outer_stream: Code generator for the internal code after

the scope is closed.
  • inner_stream – Code generator for the internal code within the scope (at the end).
  • global_stream – Code generator for global (external) code.
on_sdfg_begin(sdfg, local_stream, global_stream, codegen)

Event called at the beginning of SDFG code generation. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param local_stream: Code generator for the in-function code. :param global_stream: Code generator for global (external) code. :param codegen: An instance of the code generator.

on_sdfg_end(sdfg, local_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the end of SDFG code generation. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param local_stream: Code generator for the in-function code. :param global_stream: Code generator for global (external) code.

on_state_begin(sdfg, state, local_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the beginning of SDFG state code generation. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param local_stream: Code generator for the in-function code. :param global_stream: Code generator for global (external) code.

static perf_counter_end_measurement_string(unified_id)
perf_counter_start_measurement_string(unified_id: int, iteration: str, core_str: str = 'PAPI_thread_id()')

Creates a performance counter template string.

static perf_counter_string_from_string_list(counterlist: [<class 'str'>])

Creates a performance counter typename string.

static perf_get_supersection_start_string(node, dfg, unified_id)
static perf_section_start_string(unified_id: int, size: str, in_size: str, core_str: str = 'PAPI_thread_id()')
static perf_supersection_start_string(unified_id)
perf_whitelist_schedules = [<ScheduleType.CPU_Multicore: 4>, <ScheduleType.Sequential: 2>]
static should_instrument_entry(map_entry: dace.sdfg.nodes.EntryNode) → bool

Returns True if this entry node should be instrumented.

class dace.codegen.instrumentation.papi.PAPIUtils

Bases: object

General-purpose utilities for working with PAPI.

static accumulate_byte_movement(outermost_node, node, dfg: dace.sdfg.state.StateGraphView, sdfg, state_id)
static all_maps(map_entry: dace.sdfg.nodes.EntryNode, dfg: dace.sdfg.graph.SubgraphView) → List[dace.sdfg.nodes.EntryNode]

Returns all scope entry nodes within a scope entry.

static available_counters() → Dict[str, int]

Returns the available PAPI counters on this machine. Only works on *nix based systems with grep and papi-tools installed. :return: A set of available PAPI counters in the form of a dictionary

mapping from counter name to the number of native hardware events.
static get_iteration_count(map_entry: dace.sdfg.nodes.MapEntry, mapvars: dict)

Get the number of iterations for this map, allowing other variables as bounds.

static get_memlet_byte_size(sdfg: dace.sdfg.sdfg.SDFG, memlet: dace.memlet.Memlet)

Returns the memlet size in bytes, depending on its data type. :param sdfg: The SDFG in which the memlet resides. :param memlet: Memlet to return size in bytes. :return: The size as a symbolic expression.

static get_memory_input_size(node, sdfg, state_id) → str
static get_out_memlet_costs(sdfg: dace.sdfg.sdfg.SDFG, state_id: int, node: dace.sdfg.nodes.Node, dfg: dace.sdfg.state.StateGraphView)
static get_parents(outermost_node: dace.sdfg.nodes.Node, node: dace.sdfg.nodes.Node, sdfg: dace.sdfg.sdfg.SDFG, state_id: int) → List[dace.sdfg.nodes.Node]
static get_tasklet_byte_accesses(tasklet: dace.sdfg.nodes.CodeNode, dfg: dace.sdfg.state.StateGraphView, sdfg: dace.sdfg.sdfg.SDFG, state_id: int) → str

Get the amount of bytes processed by tasklet. The formula is sum(inedges * size) + sum(outedges * size)

static is_papi_used(sdfg: dace.sdfg.sdfg.SDFG) → bool

Returns True if any of the SDFG elements includes PAPI counter instrumentation.

static reduce_iteration_count(begin, end, step, rparams: dict)

dace.codegen.instrumentation.perfdb module

dace.codegen.instrumentation.provider module

class dace.codegen.instrumentation.provider.InstrumentationProvider

Bases: object

Instrumentation provider for SDFGs, states, scopes, and memlets. Emits code on event.

static get_provider_mapping() → Dict[Union[dace.dtypes.InstrumentationType, dace.dtypes.DataInstrumentationType], Type[dace.codegen.instrumentation.provider.InstrumentationProvider]]

Returns a dictionary that maps instrumentation types to provider class types, given the currently-registered extensions of this class.

on_copy_begin(sdfg, state, src_node, dst_node, edge, local_stream, global_stream, copy_shape, src_strides, dst_strides)

Event called at the beginning of generating a copy operation. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param src_node: The source node of the copy. :param dst_node: The destination node of the copy. :param edge: An edge in the memlet path of the copy. :param local_stream: Code generator for the internal code. :param global_stream: Code generator for global (external) code. :param copy_shape: Tuple representing the shape of the copy. :param src_strides: Element-skipping strides for each dimension of the copied source. :param dst_strides: Element-skipping strides for each dimension of the copied destination.

on_copy_end(sdfg, state, src_node, dst_node, edge, local_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the end of generating a copy operation. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param src_node: The source node of the copy. :param dst_node: The destination node of the copy. :param edge: An edge in the memlet path of the copy. :param local_stream: Code generator for the internal code. :param global_stream: Code generator for global (external) code.

on_node_begin(sdfg, state, node, outer_stream, inner_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the beginning of generating a node. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param node: The generated node. :param outer_stream: Code generator for the internal code before

the scope is opened.
  • inner_stream – Code generator for the internal code within the scope (at the beginning).
  • global_stream – Code generator for global (external) code.
on_node_end(sdfg, state, node, outer_stream, inner_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the end of generating a node. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param node: The generated node. :param outer_stream: Code generator for the internal code after

the scope is closed.
  • inner_stream – Code generator for the internal code within the scope (at the end).
  • global_stream – Code generator for global (external) code.
on_scope_entry(sdfg, state, node, outer_stream, inner_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the beginning of a scope (on generating an EntryNode). :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param node: The EntryNode object from which code is generated. :param outer_stream: Code generator for the internal code before

the scope is opened.
  • inner_stream – Code generator for the internal code within the scope (at the beginning).
  • global_stream – Code generator for global (external) code.
on_scope_exit(sdfg, state, node, outer_stream, inner_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the end of a scope (on generating an ExitNode). :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param node: The ExitNode object from which code is generated. :param outer_stream: Code generator for the internal code after

the scope is closed.
  • inner_stream – Code generator for the internal code within the scope (at the end).
  • global_stream – Code generator for global (external) code.
on_sdfg_begin(sdfg, local_stream, global_stream, codegen)

Event called at the beginning of SDFG code generation. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param local_stream: Code generator for the in-function code. :param global_stream: Code generator for global (external) code. :param codegen: An instance of the code generator.

on_sdfg_end(sdfg, local_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the end of SDFG code generation. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param local_stream: Code generator for the in-function code. :param global_stream: Code generator for global (external) code.

on_state_begin(sdfg, state, local_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the beginning of SDFG state code generation. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param local_stream: Code generator for the in-function code. :param global_stream: Code generator for global (external) code.

on_state_end(sdfg, state, local_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the end of SDFG state code generation. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param local_stream: Code generator for the in-function code. :param global_stream: Code generator for global (external) code.


dace.codegen.instrumentation.timer module

class dace.codegen.instrumentation.timer.TimerProvider

Bases: dace.codegen.instrumentation.provider.InstrumentationProvider

Timing instrumentation that reports wall-clock time directly after timed execution is complete.

on_node_begin(sdfg, state, node, outer_stream, inner_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the beginning of generating a node. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param node: The generated node. :param outer_stream: Code generator for the internal code before

the scope is opened.
  • inner_stream – Code generator for the internal code within the scope (at the beginning).
  • global_stream – Code generator for global (external) code.
on_node_end(sdfg, state, node, outer_stream, inner_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the end of generating a node. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param node: The generated node. :param outer_stream: Code generator for the internal code after

the scope is closed.
  • inner_stream – Code generator for the internal code within the scope (at the end).
  • global_stream – Code generator for global (external) code.
on_scope_entry(sdfg, state, node, outer_stream, inner_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the beginning of a scope (on generating an EntryNode). :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param node: The EntryNode object from which code is generated. :param outer_stream: Code generator for the internal code before

the scope is opened.
  • inner_stream – Code generator for the internal code within the scope (at the beginning).
  • global_stream – Code generator for global (external) code.
on_scope_exit(sdfg, state, node, outer_stream, inner_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the end of a scope (on generating an ExitNode). :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param node: The ExitNode object from which code is generated. :param outer_stream: Code generator for the internal code after

the scope is closed.
  • inner_stream – Code generator for the internal code within the scope (at the end).
  • global_stream – Code generator for global (external) code.
on_sdfg_begin(sdfg, local_stream, global_stream, codegen)

Event called at the beginning of SDFG code generation. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param local_stream: Code generator for the in-function code. :param global_stream: Code generator for global (external) code. :param codegen: An instance of the code generator.

on_sdfg_end(sdfg, local_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the end of SDFG code generation. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param local_stream: Code generator for the in-function code. :param global_stream: Code generator for global (external) code.

on_state_begin(sdfg, state, local_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the beginning of SDFG state code generation. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param local_stream: Code generator for the in-function code. :param global_stream: Code generator for global (external) code.

on_state_end(sdfg, state, local_stream, global_stream)

Event called at the end of SDFG state code generation. :param sdfg: The generated SDFG object. :param state: The generated SDFGState object. :param local_stream: Code generator for the in-function code. :param global_stream: Code generator for global (external) code.

on_tbegin(stream: dace.codegen.prettycode.CodeIOStream, sdfg=None, state=None, node=None)
on_tend(timer_name: str, stream: dace.codegen.prettycode.CodeIOStream, sdfg=None, state=None, node=None)

Module contents